Your money.
Your data.
Your life.

Empower yourself.

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Important Note:

NBTV is on a large number of platforms including YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok etc.
These platforms are terrible for privacy and we don’t recommend them if you’re privacy conscious.
It's important for us to reach the people on these platforms, to educate them about why privacy is important, but that doesn’t mean that you have to watch us there. We are also on privacy-preserving platforms, like the decentralized LBRY protocol. We highly recommend you watch us there using the P2P client if you care about privacy.
We cater for all audiences, making sure each can reach our content, regardless of where they currently are in their privacy journey.

We also have a Squarespace website, because we're critically underfunded and Squarespace is the easiest for our understaffed team to maintain.
Squarespace uses Google fonts, which means that they include unavoidable tracking links.
If you are privacy conscious, you may want to set up DNS blocklists to stop such trackers from affecting any of your internet activity, or reach out to us on any of the countless privacy-preserving platforms we're on instead. 💛

Thank you for the countless emails we receive each day letting us know where we should improve. We read all of them, and always appreciate feedback about where we can do better. 🛡️

And a HUGE thank you to everyone who supports our important and free educational content.
We truly couldn’t do this without you.